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Is Your Firm Wasting Time Searching for Documents?

According to the American Bar Association litigation support techniques have not kept pace with the litigation explosion. Many lawyers keep discovery documents in boxes or file cabinets that have to be searched manually before depositions or key litigation events.

Many law firms maintain rows of filing cabinets and workrooms stuffed with paper, at rent prices ranging up to $100 a square foot. Many firms also use outside document repositories to handle their overflow. By one estimate, a mid-sized law firm might spend as much as $350,000 a year for paper storage.

Document storage and delivery problems are compounded when lawyers work in multi-office or multi-firm teams and each office must organize and store its own set of files.

Law firm staff members spend countless hours searching for paper documents, organizing, reviewing, copying, annotating and sending them.

In some cases the attorney firm waits months or years for a couple of part time or even full time employees to “get the job done’. They can’t begin to enjoy the reduced costs and benefits of the document imaging system that was purchased until all of the documents are scanned into it.

Advanced Imaging Solutions has decades of experience helping attorneys to quickly attain these goals. For pennies per page we can scan your valuable records for you, quickly.

Once these valuable records are input into the document imaging system, a firm can:

  • Search across all active and inactive files for any client without leaving your desk

  • Share or route a document among several staff members without making photocopies

  • Substantially reduce off-site storage requirements

  • Virtually eliminate off-site retrievals

  • Reduce, even eliminate misplaced documents

  • Reduce photocopying costs

  • Save storage costs

If your firm does not have a document imaging solution, Advanced Imaging Solutions can help with that also.

With our solution, law firms are able to convert new and old documents - including pleadings, work orders, evidence, and federal and state filings - to PDF files. When combined with Adobe Acrobat, PDF files enable lawyers and staff to create, publish, and work with digital documents just as they would with paper; cutting costs, saving time, and gaining efficiencies.

Law firms, their clients, and partners work with a variety of platforms, applications, and application versions. When law firms convert documents to PDF, any partner, staff member, or client can use free Adobe Reader software to view or print an exact replica of the original paper document.

Our document imaging system enables lawyers to search through millions of PDF files to find all the documents that reference specific information. In comparison, searching though volumes of paper documents often requires a team of legal assistants to work for days or weeks, with no assurance that they have found all relevant information. Our PDF based document imaging system can cut weeks off the time to prepare cases and help develop stronger cases, as well. Time savings escalate further when high-quality, searchable PDF files are distributed to partners and staff over the Internet because communications can happen in seconds instead of days.

The firm no longer needs to spend valuable lawyer or paralegal time searching through boxes of paper looking for a specific document. Our document imaging system eliminates the problems of misplaced or misfiled documents. Multiple lawyers or paralegals, even in remote locations, can view the same document.

The ultimate benefit of our PDF based document imaging system may be at trial.

Let us help you get your office ready for the next big case, and the next big storm event. Call or email for a free consultation.

Advanced Imaging Solutions 225-603-2062 504-888-7415

Ask me about:
Kofax Forms Processing
PADtrax RFID technology
Document scanning services
Microfilm scanning services
Canon scanners or printers

225-216-1999  |  504-888-7415

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